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How to find API Credentials

Maria Garozzo avatar
Written by Maria Garozzo
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of this article is to help you establish a connection between BridgerPay and your partnered Payment Service Provider. The first step involves locating the credentials outlined below in the PSP’s portal. Next, you simply need to enter these credentials in their respective fields found in the PSP’s configuration tab within the BridgerPay dashboard. Once this process is complete, a connection will be established in order to start processing transactions.

The Credentials you'll need:

Client ID

Secret key


Production URL:

Back-office Login URL:

Steps to find your credentials:

1. Log into your Paypal Back office and follow the security steps provided.

2. Click on 'Tools' and then locate and click on 'API credentials'

3. In the middle of your screen you will have the possibility to choose either Sandbox or Live.

4. Click underneath 'App Name' whichever option you wish to use.

5. A new window will open in order for you to see the API Credentials needed, you will need to connect the Client ID and Secret to BridgerPay.

6. In order to correctly update the transaction statuses in your Bridger Admin the following URLs need to be set as static callbacks and specific notifications selected:

For Payment statuses:

Select the following notifications:

  1. Checkout order approved

  2. Checkout order completed

  3. Payment capture completed

  4. Payment capture denied

  5. Payment capture pending

For Payout statuses:

Select the following notifications:

  1. Payment payouts-item blocked

  2. Payment payouts-item canceled

  3. Payment payouts-item denied

  4. Payment payouts-item failed

  5. Payment payouts-item held

  6. Payment payouts-item refunded

  7. Payment payouts-item returned

  8. Payment payouts-item succeeded

  9. Payment payouts-item unclaimed

  10. Payment payoutsbatch denied

  11. Payment payoutsbatch processing

  12. Payment payoutsbatch success

For Refund statuses:

Select the following notifications:

  1. Invoicing invoice refunded

  2. Payment capture refunded

  3. Payment refund completed

  4. Payment sale refunded

You can locate these settings under your credentials in your PayPal Back office.

If you need more payment providers for your business, use our connections search engine to find and contact them.

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