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Worldpay - ApplePay
Michalis Christodoulou avatar
Written by Michalis Christodoulou
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of this article is to help you establish a connection between BridgerPay and your partnered Payment Service Provider. The first step involves locating the credentials outlined below in the PSP’s portal. Next, you simply need to enter these credentials in their respective fields found in the PSP’s configuration tab within the BridgerPay dashboard. Once this process is complete, a connection will be established in order to start processing transactions.

The Credentials you'll need:

Apple Merchant ID

Apple Pay Certificate

Apple Pay Certificate Key

Domain Name

Display Name



Merchant Code


Back-office Login URL:

Please follow the steps below before connecting Apple Pay through BridgerPay:

  1. Obtain Apple Developer account.

  2. Create Apple Merchant ID through your Apple Developer account.

  3. Get certificate signing request from your WorldPay back-office by logging into your back-office, clicking on INTEGRATION, navigating to the ApplePay tab and clicking on 'Download csr file'.

  4. Create a payment processing certificate:
    4.1. In the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate section (make sure you’re not in the Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate section), select Create Certificate.
    4.2. Respond No to the question about processing in China and select Continue.
    4.3. Upload the .csr file which was downloaded from the Worldpay back-office and select Continue.
    4.4. Select Download to get your payment processing certificate – a .cer file.

  5. Create apple pay certificates:
    5.1. Use a command-line tool such as OpenSSL and run the line below to generate a Certificate Signing Request (upload.csr) and a corresponding private key:(certificate_sandbox.key):
    opensslreq -out upload.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certificate_sandbox.key

    5.2. Through your Apple Developer account, create Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate by uploading the upload.csr file generated in step 5.1.
    5.3. Select Continue and then select Download to get your .cer file. It will probably be named merchant_id.cer
    5.4 Use a command-line tool such as OpenSSL and run the line below to convert the merchant_id.cer downloaded in step 5.3 from DER format to PEM: (certificate_sandbox.pem):
    openssl x509 -inform der -in merchant_id.cer -out certificate_sandbox.pem

  6. Create a Merchant Domain within your ApplePay developer account:

    6.1 Log in to your Apple Developer account, go to the Merchant Id’s list selector and select your merchant id.

    6.2 Under the Merchant Domains section, select Add Domain.

    6.3 Enter your domain and select Save.

    Once all the steps above have been followed, you will have obtained the following:
    A .pem file certificate (Apple pay certificate)
    A .key file which is the key to the certificate (Apple pay certificate key)
    Apple merchant ID (found in your Apple Developer account)
    Verified domain

  7. Configure credentials in your BridgerPay portal:
    Apple merchant id = Apple merchant ID
    Domain name = domain where button is located (without 'https://')
    Display name = complete with your merchant name
    Apple pay certificate = copy full content of .pem file (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- .... -----END CERTIFICATE-----)
    Apple pay certificate key = copy full content of .key file (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- .... -----END CERTIFICATE-----)

If you need more payment providers for your business, use our connections search engine to find and contact them.

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