The purpose of this article is to help you establish a connection between BridgerPay and your partnered Payment Service Provider. The first step involves locating the credentials outlined below in the PSP’s portal. Next, you simply need to enter these credentials in their respective fields found in the PSP’s configuration tab within the BridgerPay dashboard. Once this process is complete, a connection will be established in order to start processing transactions.
The Credentials you'll need:
Installation ID
Merchant Code
Payment Method:
Back-office Login URL:
Steps to find your credentials:
1. Open the following website
2. Select the merchant code from the dropdown list and click on "Proceed"
3. Copy the Merchant Code that you see in the menu section underneath the Account section
4. On the left-hand side, click on Integration
5. Then click on Installations and copy the Installation ID you see on the first column
NOTE: If you do not have this section in your Backoffice contact the PSP
Set up notifications for Refunds and Payouts:
Login to the website
In the menu, click the option “Integration”
Then click on “Merchant Environment”
In the Production Specific Properties choose the option “Standard latest version XML” in the dropdown menu next to Production XML reply/orderStatusEvent version
In the Test Specific Properties choose the option “Standard latest version XML” in the dropdown menu next to Production XML reply/orderStatusEvent version (see picture in step 6)
Save your changes
Go to the section “Merchant Channel”
In the section “Merchant Channels (Test)”, next to the option http choose yes and select the option xml underneath “Content”. Underneath “Method” choose Post (see the picture in step 10)
In the section “Address”, next to http insert the following callback url:
Save your changes
Set up notifications for Deposits ONLY:
Login to the website
On the menu click the option “Integration”
Then click on “Merchant Environment”
In the Production Specific Properties choose the option “Backwards compatible version 1.3” in the dropdown menu next to Production XML reply/orderStatusEvent version
In the Test Specific Properties choose the option “Backwards compatible version 1.3” in the dropdown menu next to Test XML reply/orderStatusEvent version (see the picture in step 6)
Save your changes
Go to the section “Merchant Channel”
In the section “Merchant Channels (Test)”, next to the option http choose yes and select the option text underneath “Content”. Underneath “Method” choose GET (see the picture in step 10)
In the section “Address”, next to http insert the following callback url:
Save your changes
If you need more payment providers for your business, use our connections search engine to find and contact them.